
Kevin Van Aelst 본문


Kevin Van Aelst

sally_1110 2012. 6. 10. 11:39

My artwork is an attempt to reconcile my physical surroundings with the fears, fascinations, curiosities, and daydreams occupying my mind. The photographs and constructions consist of common artifacts, materials, and scenes from everyday life, which have been rearranged and reassembled into various forms, patterns, and illustrations. The images aim to examine the distance between where my mind wanters to and the material objects that inspire those fixations. Equally important to this work are the 'big picture' and the 'little things'--the mundane and relatable artifacts of our daily lives, and the more mysterious notions of life and existence. This work is about creating order where we expect to find randomness, and also hints that the minutiae all around us is capable of communicating much larger ideas. 



























Kevin Van Aelst



주변에서 흔히 볼수 있는 일상 소재들을 재구성해 독창적이고 아이디어 넘치는 작품들을 만들었네요!!

New York Times Magazine, Boston Globe, GQ등에 실린 Editorial Photography 작품들도 볼만합니다.

아이디어가 떠오르지 않을때 작품들을 보면서 아이디어 발상에 도움이 되길..


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